

Cardinal, scientific name Tanichthys albonubes, belongs to the Cyprinidae family. The most popular aquarium fish, easy to keep and breed. As of 2010, there are four well-established breeding color forms, but only two of them are most widely used – close to natural color and with a predominance of red.


The homeland of the species is the territory of modern China. Currently, fish are practically not found in the wild and are on the verge of extinction, listed in the Red Book. Several relict populations have been found in the coastal province of Guangdong (southern China) and in the province of Quang Ninh, northeast Vietnam. They live in slow-flowing rivers and streams, prefer to stay at shallow depths up to 60 cm near dense coastal aquatic vegetation.

Kort informasjon:

  • Volumet av akvariet – fra 60 liter.
  • Temperatur – 14-22°C
  • Verdi pH - 6.0–8.5
  • Water hardness – soft to hard (5-21dGH)
  • Substrattype – hvilken som helst
  • Belysning – dempet
  • Brakkvann – nei
  • Vannbevegelse – svak strøm eller stille vann
  • Størrelsen på fisken er opptil 4 cm.
  • Mat – hvilken som helst mat
  • Temperament - fredelig rolig fisk
  • Holder i en flokk på 10 individer


Adults reach a length of 4 cm. Females are somewhat larger than males, but less colorful. There are several color forms. One is closer to natural coloration, the dominant color is gray with a wide bright pink stripe stretching from head to tail. The wide fins have a pale yellow edging. Another form has a similar color, but with a pronounced red pigment, which is painted on the back of the body, tail and edges of the fins.


They accept all types of dry, frozen and live food. A combination of different species is the most preferred option, in this case the fish show their best color. Feed 2-3 times a day in the amount eaten in 5 minutes, remove leftovers in a timely manner to prevent water pollution.

Vedlikehold og stell, arrangement av akvariet

The recommended volume of the tank for one flock of fish starts from 60 liters. The design is arbitrary, however, a combination of a dark substrate and a certain amount of floating plants is considered the best option. Artificial or natural snags, roots and / or branches of trees are used as decor.

The standard set of equipment consists of filtration and lighting systems, an aerator. The cardinal prefers relatively low temperatures, so there is no need for a heater if the aquarium is set up in a living area.

Water conditions are characterized by a weak internal flow, temperature, pH and dGH parameters are in a wide acceptable range of values, so the preparation of water is not associated with great difficulties, in most cases it is enough to defend it during the day.

Akvarievedlikehold består i ukentlig utskifting av en del av vannet (20–25 % av volumet) med ferskvann, regelmessig rengjøring av underlaget fra organisk avfall og fjerning av plakk fra glasset.

Atferd og kompatibilitet

Calm peace-loving fish, goes well with other species of similar size and temperament, able to live in similar temperature conditions. The content is flocking from 10 individuals of both sexes; within the group, males are forced to compete with each other for the attention of females, which contributes to an increase in the brightness of their color.

Avl / avl

Cardinal refers to spawning species, females scatter eggs in the water column, and males at this moment fertilize it. Parental instincts are poorly developed, immediately after spawning, the fish can eat their own caviar and fry that have appeared.

Avl anbefales å utføres i en separat tank - et gyteakvarium, for å beskytte avkom mot voksen fisk. Designet er enkelt, hovedoppmerksomheten rettes mot bakken, den skal bestå av partikler av tilstrekkelig stor størrelse som ikke passer tett til hverandre, og danner hulrom, for eksempel småstein eller dekorative glassperler. Når eggene synker til bunnen, faller de fleste av dem ned i disse tomrommene og blir dermed utilgjengelige for fisk. En lignende effekt oppnås også ved bruk av finmasket, som er festet i bunnen.

En annen måte å sikre bevaring av egg på er å bruke lavtvoksende småbladede planter eller moser som Riccia flytende og javansk mose, som er plantet på det meste av overflaten av substratet (i dette tilfellet kan jorda være hvilken som helst) . Tette kratt av planter kan gi pålitelig ly for egg som ikke er verre enn spesiell jord.

Størrelsen på gyteakvariet er vanligvis 20-30 liter, halvfylt. Utstyret som brukes er en lufter, en varmeovn og et enkelt svampfilter med lav effekt for å forhindre utilsiktet sug av egg og yngel. Gyting skjer i svakt lys, så i begynnelsen er det ikke behov for en lyskilde.

The impetus for the beginning of the mating season is the establishment of a water temperature in the region of the upper permissible mark of 20–21 ° C at a neutral or slightly acidic pH value, as well as the inclusion of protein foods in the daily diet – bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp in live or frozen form.

After some time, the females become noticeably rounder, and the males will begin to actively show signs of attention to their chosen ones. At this point, you should prepare a separate tank and fill it with water from the general aquarium, then transplant several females and the most colorful males there. The easiest way to determine the end of spawning is by females, they will become slender.

Fisken blir returnert. Yngelen vil dukke opp om 48 – 60 timer, og om en annen dag vil de begynne å svømme fritt. Fôr med spesialisert mikroskopisk fôr for fôring av ung akvariefisk.


Due to long-term hybridization and inbreeding, undesirable consequences appeared in the form of weak immunity and a high proportion of congenital malformations among juveniles. A balanced diet and suitable living conditions reduce the risk of disease, but do not eliminate them. Read more about symptoms and treatments in the Aquarium Fish Diseases section.

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