Hvordan kjøpe en renraset kattunge?
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Hvordan kjøpe en renraset kattunge?

Hvordan kjøpe en renraset kattunge?

When choosing a future pet, you should not rush, you should definitely read about the character traits of the breed you like, its advantages and disadvantages. It is advisable to immediately decide what you need a kitten for. Its pedigree quality and, accordingly, the price will depend on this.

Categories of kittens

All thoroughbred kittens are divided into three classes:

  • Pet class: have flaws that are invisible to the amateur, which do not allow them to take part in exhibitions. Cats in this category are not intended for breeding and are usually sold without a pedigree;
  • Brid class: healthy animals that are necessary for breeding the breed. They have a good pedigree and reproductive traits, but there are slight flaws in appearance, due to which kittens cannot count on high marks at exhibitions and do not participate in them;
  • Show class: fully comply with the breed standard and are very likely to successfully perform at exhibitions.

Where to buy a purebred kitten

There are three main options for acquiring a kitten: at a pet store or bird market, from breeders, and through an ad. The best option is from breeders. A kitten bought from an ad or on the market may actually be outbred, and, even worse, he may suffer from chronic diseases that sellers are unlikely to talk about. The only insurance against this is a veterinary passport.

How to choose a breeder or club

If none of your friends can recommend a breeder, you can only search on the Internet yourself. Pay attention to the completeness of the information provided on the site, the presence of reviews with recommendations, photos and descriptions of cats. But the most important thing is to get to know the breeder in person.

A professional in his field will be happy to tell you about the features of the breed, show you where the kittens and their mother live, advise on breeding or participation in exhibitions. Moreover, a breeder who is not indifferent to the fate of his animals will definitely ask you to provide information about yourself.

What to look for when buying a kitten

  • Oppførsel. Choose your future pet according to your temperament;
  • Conditions of detention and state of health. Carefully inspect the coat, mouth, ears and eyes of the kitten – everything should be clean;
  • Alder. It is optimal to buy a pet at the age of 3-4 months.

Purchase documents

At the age of 45 days, the kitten is assessed for compliance with breed standards, after which a metric is issued, which the breeder passes on to the new owner. Later, when the kitten is 10 months old, the metric is exchanged for a pedigree.

This is an official document confirming the origin of the cat. It is necessary if there are plans for an exhibition career for a pet.

The pedigree contains basic information about the animal, its parents and their ancestors. The document also indicates the name of the club and its emblem, even if you bought a kitten from an independent breeder. The pedigree is certified by the seal and signature of a specialist felinologist.

Buying a kitten is a responsible step. Before you do it, you should carefully consider and weigh the pros and cons. Feel free to consult with specialists and veterinarians – this will help to avoid many mistakes, especially if this is your first experience.

8 juni 2017

Oppdatert: 21. desember 2017

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